A review by bema
Kisses and Croissants by Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau


3.75 (im not rounding up bc i suck)

This book gives Dance Academy in a way that it should be made into a series (not a movie bc not enough time to develop and communicate the story). But if it was a series i want more content(is this the right word?) outside of the ballet classes and more on the mystery and relationship developments.)

I liked but could have been better. Maybe more emphasis and storyline on the Degas ancestor mystery could have slayed (yes im repeating bc its needed to be a slay). Mommy daughter communication needs work :/

Boyfie was cool, but girly and boyf fell in love way to fast for the amount of times they actually hung out both platonic and romantically aka needed more development. (Personal observation/pet peeve: people say ‘i love you’ way to fast and use it too casually).

I liked the friendship development with Mia and Audrey (prob my fave part) but not enough to eat this book up.

In conclusion i liked but it was kinda boring :/ + i wanted more