A review by honzukiraye
Gods May Cry by Lea Jade

Did not finish book.


So I fell in love with this story after reading it in the Into The Woods Anthology. However, the story I read in the anthology and the one I read from this book is different. I do not remember a second male and I believe there was a spicier dream sequence. Everything I liked about the snippet is not present in this story. Yes, there are similarities and I am not saying it has to be the same but what I loved about the snippet just isn't in the book. I do have to be honest and say that this was a DNF for me.

There are quite a few typos and that mixed in with everything else, I just couldn't force myself to read anymore. If you loved the story from the anthology I think you might be disappointed with the book. But if this is a whole new story for you, you may enjoy it.

I did enjoy the folklore and the details that were added to that. Which we didn't get in the anthology. I am super bummed because I really wanted to like this book.