A review by canadiangirlreads
Heart Strings by Melanie Moreland

Melanie Moreland pulls at your Heart Strings with this contemporary romance that is full of love, loss, passion and all the feels.

Charlotte "Lottie" is trying to get through life one day at a time as grief eats away at her and no one seems to notice. Montgomery Logan notices Lottie one night in the subway and can see the pain in her eyes until he starts playing his music. After this, he makes it his goal to try and cheer her up with his music daily. As they move from strangers to friends to lovers, Logan renews Lottie's look on life.

Melanie Moreland sure has a way with words that pull you in, take you on an emotional ride and have you strumming a romantic tune on your Heart Strings.

ARC was generously provided in exchange for my honest review.

