A review by fangirljeanne
Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome: A User Guide to Adolescence by Luke Jackson


I would recommend this book to parents, teachers and especially Autistic kids, no matter where they are on the spectrum. Luke not only provides invaluable insight into how AS affects his life, but how Autism affects the lives of his two younger brothers. He also provides helpful, bullet point, lists on how to manage everything from sleeping, homework and even dating.

The title is quite apt, because this is truly a guide to handling many of the challenges teens with Autism face on a daily basis.

Additionally, I would recommend this book to any authors attempting to write fictional stories featuring Autistic characters. Luke breaks down a lot of stereotypes prevalent in pop culture today.

He is witty, optimistic and has a great deal insightful in to human social behavior. His sense of humor is charming and very relatable. I personally found his unique perspective on the subtly of language and contradictions in social expectations to be enlightening.

This book a fun, informative read. I really cannot recommend it enough.