A review by proxima09
Meg and Jo by Virginia Kantra


DNF at 45%. I'm so sorry for the scathing review, but I don't think Virginia Kantra read the same Little Women that I did. The characters were way off from what they were in the books, and there was just problem after problem with only clinical hopes of resolution. The characters face tons of problems in the original too, but ultimately it is the love between them and the way they care about each other that allows them to get through the problems and persevere. That affection between the sisters and the people in their lives was shockingly absent. On top of everything, it was honestly just boring. Kantra kept reiterating the same problems over and over again with very few new development or solutions. Do not read this if you liked Little Women. I'm on my way to reread the original to cleanse my palate of this nonsense.

Some things I especially hated:
1. Why the heck is Laurie named Trey in this book??
2. Jo's boyfriend is a chef, but he reads as an undercover therapist. He's constantly spouting philosophy that only makes sense if you tilt your head sideways and squint.
3. I want to know what in the world inspired her to make Mr. March the way he is in this book. He's an awful person and doesn't seem to care about anyone in his family at all. I took it personally that the author wrote Mr. March as basically hating his wife when Marmee still obviously cares about him and respects him very much. It added nothing to story and was completely pointless, much like most of this book.
4. Jo just seems completely defeated and desperate for any success and recognition. Also, why is she a chef? Why is she chasing after her boss when there's no real emotional connection between them? Why doesn't she try literally anything at all to save her career when she clearly cares about it so much? Jo March would be appalled by the way she is written in this book.
5. John Brooke. Honestly, I couldn't make heads or tails of this character. In the original, he was a poor but loving man who cared deeply about Meg. In this book, he's just poor and bad at communicating. They're not even that poor tbh. Who knows what was going on with this character. I thought he was cheating on Meg at one point and then that wasn't carried through at all. At least if he had, something of substance would have happened.
6. WHY IS MEG FLIRTING WITH EVERY MAN THAT CROSSES HER PATH? Does she even like John?? Why are they together??