A review by themaxdog
A Dark So Deadly, by Stuart MacBride


Full review now up on the blog: https://www.thewritinggreyhound.co.uk/2021/03/book-review-dark-so-deadly-stuart-macbride.html

A Dark So Deadly is a suspenseful crime thriller packed with shocking twists and turns.

This is not a short book, but it is well-paced and remains engaging throughout. It is almost like several books rolled into one - multiple cases crop up throughout the story, and each brings its own subplot to the overall arc. Of course, the individual cases tie together in surprising ways, but reading about each unique crime is interesting.

DC Callum MacGregor is an endearing and likeable character. Down on his luck and struggling with the repercussions of a difficult choice, things only seem to get worse as Callum's life quickly spirals downhill out of control. Yet despite the high stakes and intensity of the case, he remains (for the most part) approachable and honest. Callum is a great character with strong morals - which is ironic, considering the reason why he ended up in the Misfit Mob!

The other police officers in the Misfit Mob are as eclectic and eccentric as you can imagine. From feminist new girl Franklin to jelly-baby-loving 'Mother', the senior officer leading the team, you never quite know what you are going to get with this bunch. Despite that, each has their own reasons for ending up in the Misfit Mob and their backstories are gradually uncovered throughout the book.

The cases themselves are gruesome yet intriguing. With a serial killer on the loose, mummified bodies showing up all over town, and a cast of shifty characters as suspects, there's definitely plenty to keep Callum and his colleagues busy.

A Dark So Deadly is a strong crime thriller set in rainy Scotland. Suspenseful and mysterious, it's full of surprises right to the end!