A review by oncemorewithreading
Spin the Dawn, by Elizabeth Lim


Oh my god, this book! This world that Elizabeth Lim has created is beautiful and I felt myself completely captivated. When I was reading it I never wanted to put it down and when I did have to put it down (mainly because my body needed sleep) I was thinking about it constantly. The descriptions and detail used in this book makes it so much more vivid and beautiful!

I loved Maia so much and she was such a realistic and relatable character. She wanted to do what was best for her family, risking her own life in a very Mulan inspired way so that her families business and reputation remained intact. Maia is such a strong and independent character that I really enjoyed how much her character developed throughout the book and I also loved watching her interactions with Edan.

Edan really grew on me! At first I really wasn't sure how I felt about him and thought for sure that he would ruin Maia's chances or reveal her secret. However this feeling did not last long and I ended up enjoying his part in the whole story.

After Part One the story dramatically changed and I was so intrigued in how the story was going to progress. It had me on the edge of my seat and now that I've finished it I am desperate for the next book.

I recommend this book to any YA fantasy lovers! This was spectacular and incredibly well written. Go pick it up, you won't regret it!