A review by the_novel_approach
Comic Book Romance by Charles Payseur


4.5 Stars

This was a fun read that played on the superhero comic books that have become all the rage thanks to the Marvel movies. There’s all kinds of nods to comic lovers and enough silliness and fun to satisfy those looking to branch out into a new genre. The plot itself is typical good vs bad, with enough reality and common sense that it doesn’t seem as over-the-top as the main character’s comic book counterpart, nor as over-powered despite having the exact same (Maxim-um) power.

The author manages to show the dual personalities of the main character and superhero Cal/Maxim, leading to a slight difference in narration when Cal dresses as Maxim that is excellent to see. I absolutely loved the rash and inquisitive Liang, who seemed to know just the right thing to outsmart the villains, or negotiate with them. Even each of the supporting characters were clearly thought out, even if we didn’t get to know them too much.

The attraction between the two main characters was very palpable despite the fact that there wasn’t too much in relationship building. The author did make sure that there was trust built up between the two of them, and it was clear that this was just the beginning of the road for them, so I didn’t mind that there wasn’t much relationship building.

Though short, the author managed to squeeze a lot of laughter and fun into the plot and didn’t leave any loose ends or unanswered questions, which is a skill in itself in a novella. A great book if you’re looking for something a little silly and fun to read.

Reviewed by Jenn for The Novel Approach