A review by hopesmash42
Alice's Adventures in Underland: The Queen of Stilled Hearts by Deanna Knippling


It takes a lot for me to not like a book. If it is well written but simply not my taste I will give it at least three stars. To put it frankly, this book just made me angry. I was intrigued because I like Alice in Wonderland and I like Zombies, and I have read crossovers before that I have enjoyed, so I had high hopes. This book did not live up to my expectations. It started out fine, I liked how Lewis Carol/Dodgson was a character and also a zombie. I liked how they included the queen and her son as well. It went off the rails when Alice, her sisters, and Mr. Dodgson (or Dodson as they spell his name both ways, which was probably a mistake) went for a picnic. Mr. Dodgson began to tell a story which turned into Alice in Wonderland almost word for word. There were hardly any changes made at all. At this point I started to skim instead of read because it was boring. At least throw in some Zombies or more action scenes. I wanted something original and creative. I skipped to the last few chapters, which were very strange. I think there was an attempt made to reference the inappropriate nature of the relationship between the real Alice and Dodgson (Carol) but it was very awkwardly done. If I hadn't known about it, I would have missed it. Overall I felt like this was trying to be another Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, but it failed. My suspicions were legitimized when I read the afterword and the author said that book was one of her inspirations. This book was uncreative, riddled with spelling mistakes, and just plain boring. I left it feeling annoyed and disappointed, I was hoping to make it a new favourite.