A review by eososray
The Wolves of Savernake by Edward Marston


I have been anticipating a good read with this book ever since I bought it a few years ago and maybe it was this expectation that left me disappointed.
I really like the concept of the series, with each book based on an actual entry in the Domesday book. The time period is a great pick, with all the turmoil and change, it creates atmosphere and confusion that works well with the mystery. The author shows well how superstition was a normal and regular part of life and makes it believable.
I do think that the main characters, our mystery solvers, were less than roundly created. I felt they came across as two dimensional. Though in this case I have hopes that they will get better as the series progresses.
The mystery was very contrived, or it read like it was anyway. The whodunit, the why, and how they figured it out didn't flow well together.
I still have hopes that the series will get better and I will be reading at least one more of this series.