A review by bookedbymadeline
The Lake of Lost Girls by Katherine Greene

Did not finish book. Stopped at 18%.
Thank you Netgalley and Crooked Lane for the eARC!

The podcast and social media stuff feels like it doesn’t contribute to the story and as if it’s added as an afterthought. I love mixed media in books but these added no new info and just repeated what we already knew. Also I hated the podcast, which we are supposed to, they’re a parody of My Favorite Murder and just how low true crime podcasts can stoop to be more about entertainment as opposed to inform and bring awareness/justice 

The social commentary about true crime and how unethical it can be at times is not there. It’s alluded to in the synopsis but it’s surface level and doesn’t dive deep or make you think like I Have Some Questions For You (the comparison is so far off because Makkai executes it well whereas TLOLG barely scratches the surface of true crime podcasts, police incompetence, and grooming so for the “for fans of” just skip this one because Makkai does it way better and this doesn’t measure up by a long shot)

Slow paced with too much telling over showing, minute overly descriptive details (I don’t need to know why Lindsey drives a Toyota). The writing feels more like women’s fiction mixed with some romance the way the men are being described 😒 there’s no tension or suspense for a mystery?! 

Lindsey and Jessica’s POVs sound exactly the same, both are one dimensional. Lindsey constantly talks about how she doesn’t want to be treated as just the sister of a missing girl and yet she doesn’t give us anything else to her character. We don’t get any info about her OTHER than her sister’s case and how she feels about it?!

I was so bored and annoyed that I just decided it wasn’t worth it to keep reading just to find out the twists/killer but instead will skip ahead to find out if my prediction is right. Especially after reading other reviews expressing exactly how I’ve been feeling and seeing it brought up that it’s actually two authors writing this (and although I’ve seen it executed well before)  ends up with plot inconsistencies 🤷🏻‍♀️