A review by iamthecircleand
I Am Legend, by Richard Matheson


***Second time reading(2019):
Ok I recently saw someone talking about the ending to this book and was like "Whaaaat? Did I even read the same book??" I didn't remember the ending at all (I know I sped-read the last of it because it was due at the library...so I most likely was not absorbing what I was reading.)
I decided to reread it and man... can't say that I enjoyed it this much around. Probably because I understood what I was reading better haha. I think the first time I read it I enjoyed the science part, where he's trying to figure out information on what's going on. But man, with the first read through I didn't get the part where he's just a lonely, horny, bastard. Like...he thinks he's too good to masturbate or something? It was so weird. He was so...thirsty (and rapey) over the "females." wtf.

Also, what kind of breakfast is, "a glass of orange juice, a slice of toast, and two cups of coffee"?????? Is he trying to give himself an ulcer so he can have sex with it? Oh wait, would that count as masturbating since it's with himself? And then, "after breakfast he threw the paper plate and cup into the trash box." So this guy used up a whole paper plate for ONE piece of toast?? You just know this guy ate the toast dry. So he needed to use a whole paper plate for that?

After being bombarded with how pent up this dude was, everything else started to sound like a euphemism. "He actually found himself jerking off the crossbar..." "His left hand beat once, feebly, on the bedspread." Ohh myy.

One quote I found very interesting was "In a world of monotonous horror there could be no salvation in wild dreaming." This stood out to me this read-through because I had just recently read Michael Scott Moore's book about being a prisoner of Somali pirates. He had to learn this the hard way. That having hope and expecting to finally be rescued just sets you up for heartbreak.

The way he treated
Spoiler[whatever that girl he found's name was?]
was awful.

And then at the very end this joker descides to leave us with "So long as the end did not come with violence, so long as it did not have to be a butchery before their eyes…" What a hypocritical douche. This guy was hunting down and murdering everyone he could get his hands on.

To end I will say...I obviously did not enjoy this the second time around as much as I did the first, but hopefully that just means I have grown? And matured? Maybe? Please? Also, I did finally see the movie and it suuuuuuucked haha. The end.

***First time reading (2013): I really liked this. It was a lot better than I thought it would be. I never watched the movie so I had no idea really what was going to happen. I should watch it now though :)