A review by andshe_reads
One of Us by Tawni O'Dell


What can I say? I'm a sucker for the book cover, ultimately that's what draws me to even look at a book, When I saw this I was instantly intrigued leading me to read the blurb.. then I just fell right in head first!!

From the beginning I was completely invested in the storyline, Danny Doyle was born and raised in Lost Creek however he is now a famous psychologist in Philadelphia who goes home to look after his grandfather. Danny soon finds himself in the centre of a murder mystery that dredges up his own past which he would rather try to forget. The storyline is a page turner, O'Dell has you eager to read on and to uncover secret by secret and just when you think you've got it down to a tee all figured out something else surprises you on the next page.
Throughout the story we meet a very diverse set of characters, all vividly portrayed to us through their personalities. I found I enjoyed all the characters and they really suited the story well however admittedly Scarlett was my fave being an absolutely crazy psychopath so detached from normality it was nice having someone that was the complete opposite of a lucid and vulnerable Danny it really balanced things out.

O'Dell didn't miss any detail, she even mentioned the clothing brands several times throughout the story to show the different level's of wealth and possessions which I found quite shallow and wasn't really necessary as you can tell from the characters who is likely to be of higher class.

I have decided to rate this book 4 stars! A compelling read from start to finish bursting with secrets from within.

Thanks to Gallery books via NetGalley for the E-Arc of One Of Us!