A review by elihinze
Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan


Frighteningly simple message.
And yet, people talk about this book as if it were some revolutionary piece of theological work. Then again, most American Christians nowadays are very disconnected with what the Bible has to say at all, and practice it even less. But if you understand even the basis of the Christian faith and how God says you should live your life, this is technically a reiteration of everything you've ever heard.
My actual rating for this book is a 2.5, and it only barely saved itself from being placed below that with the very last couple sections, those sections being examples of how people actually live it out. Those parts were cool to read since I find testimonies like that interesting, but aside from that, I wasn't impressed. That's nothing against the book, however. It simply was not a good fit for me because I found it too basic. But if anyone finds themselves wondering if God wants more from them and needs some basic guidelines, (though those can be found in the Bible, though some need them deciphered as well), I'd recommend this book to them.