A review by arayofreading
The Storm Runner by J.C. Cervantes


**3.5 stars**

-I loved the worldbuilding and how the mythology was woven into the story. In general I just loved learning about Mayan mythology because I found so interesting
-This book utilizes a literary technique that I think is really cool. Zane is "writing" the book (I won't talk about the context of why) and so there are little comments sprinkled in where he is addressing the gods. And I didn't think too much of it when I was first reading it but it actually turns into something very unique and that extends into the next books.
-The book was constantly surprising me. There were so many times where the plot seemed like it was going towards a formula but then changed things up, which was really exciting
-My main downside is that I didn't like a lot of the characterizations. Zane was born with one leg shorter than the other so he uses a cane, and he has a really complicated relationship with his disability. His internal monologue has a lot of internalized ableism, and I believe this was purposely to eventually show Zane coming to terms with his disability, but I just did not really like the execution. It was more so a sudden change of outlook by the end instead of this nuanced grappling with the identity that I believe the author was intending.
-Some of the side characters are a bit irrelevant to the next books, they were more there for comedic effect (technically this flaw is only pointed out in retrospect after reading the whole trilogy)