A review by hdbblog
Terra Nova by Shane Arbuthnott


Such a wonderful follow up book to the first! Shane Arbuthnott did an excellent job of showing Molly's growth as a person, both physically and mentally. While I loved her youthful vigor and passion in the first book, I loved her tenacity and selflessness in this book even more. Molly comes to understand that she's part of something so much bigger than herself and, rather than shy away, she embraces it wholeheartedly. Consequences be damned.

The only reason I didn't give this book 5 stars was that it felt a little slow in places. I know that there was a lot to pack into this second book, and so I was willing to let it go, but I did miss the breakneck pace and adventure of the first book. This second installment is much more internal, or much more character based. It doesn't make it bad, by any means. Just different. I acknowledge that.

I'll follow Molly wherever she goes next. You can count on that.