A review by bookmaniacforever
Release by Lucia Franco


⭐️ 5+ "Mind Over Matter" Stars ⭐️
I finished Release a few days ago and I'm still reeling over this spectacular read! Lucia Franco crafted an unputdownable and compelling story bursting with all the feels! I was fascinated by Ria’s arduous journey toward her dream and her damaged relationship with Kova. This novel is one hell of a ride packed with ups and downs that left me completely drained! Release played with my emotions as I was put in a whirlwind of intense sensations!

“Even though my body was an empty shell, my heart still beat for him. Beat for his seductive lies. Beat for who he was deep inside. Kova wasn’t a bad man. He just made awful choices.”

The trust between Adrianna and Kova is so tenuous after all the heartbreak, but their relationship is slowly on the mend. On a personal level there’s a certain animosity, but on a coach/athlete facet they still have this common passion for the sport. I was dying over the pure joy radiating from both of them during Ria's meets. Her victories are his too! They're so beautiful to witness in these moments that it put wide smiles on my face and made me teary-eyed! I felt like they need this bonding time to help them heal and forgive the mistakes of the past.

Kova needed to redeem himself for his actions and he delightfully rises to the challenge. He is more than ever devoted to Ria and her well-being. Their dynamic is more emotional focused and the physical pull is only secondary. I felt it was really fundamental to repair their relationship. It doesn't mean they don't get sexy moments, it only means that it's more profound and exquisite!

"Sometimes I feel like I will miss you for the rest of my life, to the point I ache with sickness just thinking about it."

Release is so much more than a romance novel though! It’s most of all a story about ambition, true dedication, conquering adversity, surpassing your limits and losing yourself to your goal. It’s a poignant process to see Adrianna commit herself mind, body and soul to her sport! To achieve her ultimate goal, nothing else matters! Her emotional state is fragile and her body is one the brink of breaking, but she fights with everything! Ria is the epitome of inspiration!!!

The troublesome revelations of the previous novel are gradually explained, but certainly not fully resolved and it makes the process of reading this series amazing! Other secrets are exposed making this web of lies and deception more than ever intriguing!

“We made no sense at all yet we made perfect sense to each other, because there was no such thing as immoral or wrong when you’re were with the right person.”

I could rave about Release for a long while, but nothing I can say would do justice to this story! Lucia Franco shaped another masterpiece that filled my heart to the brim, but also shattered it! I inhaled and lived every words with avidity! That cliffhanger was truly hard to take and now I need the next book! This is incontestably another top favorite read for me this year!

**ARC received in exchange for an honest review **