A review by thoreaullywrought
How to Live Well with Chronic Pain and Illness: A Mindful Guide by Toni Bernhard


I enjoyed this one much more than Bernhard's first effort, it felt more well-rounded and fleshed out than the previous effort. This one felt more like a straight-forward, "Here's how you live your life with chronic illness" guide. She effectively covers all aspects of chronic illness, even those that many overlook like the lives of your caregivers, managing a social life, being ill while young (that she defines as 30s and under), etc.

One of my favorite aspects of the books were the examples submitted by her readers on certain topics. Those brought all the feels for me
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I particularly liked her discussions on guilt. She discusses everything from dealing with the guilt of turning down social invitations, missing work, changing doctors, dropping unhealthy relationships, how to deal with people that just don't "get it", etc. There was so much mental high-fiving going on while I read this book.
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Berhard's specialty seems to lie in the invisible illness realm, since this is what she is experiencing herself. I found her readers submissions heartbreaking and frustrating but, also enlightening in how to deal with similar situations myself. In short, by the end, she does a good job in making the reader feel that it is ok to be sick, to advocate for yourself, and to basically look at others that don't get it with a big 'ol
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