A review by bakaburg
Nails and Eyes by Kaori Fujino


Not bad, just felt like despite there being three stories here, it was kind of repetitive. Weird thing happens, then we reach a potential climax but...it cuts off.

I understood why they were published in this collections together but there was room for variety in how each tell ended. I really enjoyed the first story because the ending didn't seem too open-ended, though. The other two stories, while interesting in their own way, I personally feel relied too much on the reader's imagination in the end. I kind of don't love when books do that usually lol and would rather see read actually happens. So maybe that's just a me thing.

An overall enjoyable reading experience! I would revisit the first one for sure, which was not only uniquely written (hello? second person POV that didn't make my skin itch?) but actually felt like it had a solid build and climax. Hell, maybe I'd even reread the third, but I don't really think there's much about the second one that did anything for me so I'd skip it next go around if I'm being honest.