A review by novelheartbeat
Another Little Piece by Kate Karyus Quinn


Another Little Piece was dark and rather twisted, and I think that’s why I enjoyed it. It was kinda f*cked up at times, and sometimes I wondered what the heck I was reading, but in a good way!

Every time I found another piece of the past, I wasn’t remembering it so much as reliving it.

I like the way the story was told, with little snippets of flashbacks mixed in with the present. I saw a lot of complaints that it was confusing, but it worked for me. It kept me intrigued, wondering what the hell happened to Annaliese, and with each piece of memory I became more and more involved. This made the pacing very fast – because it’s a mystery and a thriller, you can’t help but turning pages in desire for the truth.

There were some more serious aspects to the story because it touched (a little) on tough subjects like rape. I was surprised at these elements, but again it wasn’t a bad thing. Fluffy reads are great, but sometimes I need to read something dark and gritty!

There were also some major WTFery moments where I was just like, uhhhhhmmmm……. Like when Anna was just chilling and smoking a cigarette, then exhales a plume of smoke and puts out the burning cigarette on her thigh and is totally emotionless about it. Or when she looked at someone and thought:

It didn’t resemble sweat so much as the juices dripping from the crisped and cracking skin of a roasted chicken. I wanted to sink my teeth into him.

I thought it was interesting how Anna always referred to Annaliese’s mom and dad as ‘the mom’ and ‘the dad.’ Every single time. I got so used to it that I stopped noticing it after a while. But it helped to convey that she truly didn’t believe that she was Annaliese, even when she couldn’t remember her past. She felt like an impostor.

The characters were pretty good. I liked Anna and I enjoyed following the journey she took in finding herself. I loved Dex! The romance was sweet – even though it moved a little fast, it wasn’t in a bad way. Eric creeped me out! He was slimy and I couldn’t stand him.

I don’t want to say too much about this one because I don’t want to give it away, but I loved the background story. Again, probably just because it was so twisted. All of the girls and the Physician, the spell and the promise. Especially the ritual! The first scene regarding it I was like whaa did she just…? She did! That’s a little bit sick, dude…

It was kinda awesome though! I haven’t read anything like it before. I do recommend giving it a try, especially if you’re a fan of horror or twisted paranormal stories. This book isn’t for everyone, and I can see how some might not enjoy it. I think it’s hit or miss, but it was a hit for me!

Favorite Quotes:
Sometimes it was just so fucking wonderful to be alive.

“Things happen in life. Things don’t go the way you plan. And when they do, it doesn’t feel the way you thought it would.”

Plot: 4.5/5
Writing style: 4/5
Originality: 5/5
Characters: 3.5/5
Pace: 5/5
Cover: 4/5