A review by titanic
If I Stay by Gayle Forman



I hate this book, I've been putting off reading it for most of 2017 because I wasn't that excited for it, but some part of me was hoping that the hype that it caused when it was released would be justified, but it really wasn't and it was such a letdown. There was a lot of excitement in the beginning, the car crash and if Teddy lived, but frankly it was boring. It was just her wandering a hospital whilst her friends and family mourned her, and she reminisces about how her parents were hipsters and it doesn't really have an interesting plotline. It all goes out the window after she arrives at the hospital. It would have been better if she had supernatural powers but she doesn't, so that sucks.

I expected her to live simply because I knew there was another book, and because this one was written in her point of view I'm going to assume that one is as well. Whether it will be about her life after waking up in hospital, and going to Juilliard and pretty much struggling with life after the crash. But the thought of this book drains me of energy, it has nothing about it that excites me. There are literally only two things good about it and that's Gramps and Teddy, and one of them got killed off so...