A review by wanderaven
The Man Who Risked It All by Laurent Gounelle


In the sense that it feels like a self-improvement strategy couched in a novel, this book sort of reminded me of [b:The Alchemist|865|The Alchemist|Paulo Coelho|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1287827991s/865.jpg|4835472].

But I tried three times to read The Alchemist, and ultimately had to admit that I despised that book. Although I felt some parts were a bit slow and some of the points being made sort of laced the edges of pushy, I liked this novel. I enjoyed the tasks Alan was challenged to undertake and did often think about my own tendencies towards some of the same weaknesses and lack of self-confidence and I found the strategies intriguing.

I would like to try more of Gounelle's works, based on the things I liked about this one, but it does appear at this point that it is his only one currently translated into English. My French is so abysmal that I'm not even certain that any of his other books are novels or maybe just straight self-improvement books. I'm inclined to think I would actually better appreciate a straightforward self-improvement or philosophy book written by him.