A review by bart154ce
Darkest Night by Will Hill


This review first appeared on my blog Bart's Bookshelf.

I’m so glad I waited until the Christmas/New Year period to read Darkest Night by Will Hill, because I could set aside some good chunks to time to read the conclusion to the epic Department 19 series.

Back in March 2011, when I attended the books launch in London, I had no idea just what I was letting my self in for, the journey that Will was about to drag us on and the horrors he was about unleash on characters we would grow to know and love. And fear for, Really, really fear for. And just in case I haven’t made it clear; really, really, really fear for…

Will, established early on in the series that he was not afraid to kill of a main character, and as the books progressed, and especially, in this, the final book, as he moved his chess pieces onto place, it seemed inevitable that I was going to be mourning someone come the end. I won’t spoil things for you, by revealing any spoilers, but what I will say is that Darkest Night is as gory, brutal, and horrific as any of the other books in the series, if not more so!

But, it’s not just the horror that makes these books brilliant to read, it’s the wider world, the sub-plots, and the characters lives outside of the fight that that Will Hill has paid just as much attention to, the book and the series is all the better for it, and remember, that if it just focused on the battle, it would still be an amazing read.

The final confrontation between between Dracula and the women and men of Department 19, is everything you could hope it would be, and you won’t want to put the book down until it done.

I appear to have timed my reading and review of this just right, because as I was about to head in to the last 100 pages, Will, tweeted this. So yeah, if you’ve been holding off reading this one, you’ve no excuse now!