A review by galexandriaw
The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay


Finally backlogging some reviews I've been meaning to post oof let's see how this goes

1.5/5 stars rounded up bc I'm generous

I was really pumped for this book bc I had seen so many people recommending it, and I was trying to read a bunch of creepier/thriller books during October/November. I felt really good about this for the first 100ish pages. And then it just got super repetitive?? And something happens that caught me so off guard because it was so sudden and unnecessary. It was supposed to be the turning point of the book, I think, but I still feel like the rest of the story could have happened without this event happening.

And maybe this is a me thing but the ending was not my jam. I'm not sure if
Spoilerendings where you don't know what is real/not real
are just not something I like or if this was jus a poor ending in general.

Anyway I wouldn't read this again but I also wouldn't say it's not worth reading if you are more confident that you like these types of stories. Additionally I did appreciate that the couple was a gay relationship but I didn't feel it was too trope-y. I think I might just be a bit picky when it comes to thriller/horror/suspenseful books. I'm bummed I didn't really like any of the Halloween-esque books I tried to read this year, but I still want to expand the genres I read so I won't be giving up! Thankfully I read Gideon during this time as well which filled some holes for me during spooky season.