A review by bookishlykenia
Smoke and Smolder by Grace McGinty


I received this book as an ARC to review. I wanted to love this book so much but it wasn’t completely to my satisfaction. I have read Graces YA Contemporary and I adored it. Let me explain, we are following Azar Nazemi in her through her life as a firefighter and a half breed Djinn which are Genies. She must try and keep her secret a secret or she will be found by the council and forced to serve as a slave to her people.

Things don’t go as plan and a rampage of fires begin in New York which start to point to a rogue. She wields fire and lets it slip to another human what she is. Which is punishable by DEATH! And in the mix of all things from the rogue to her love life, to her expending death she has to try and save all of New York City. The story has potential, I loved the idea of genies and who Azar is and her girl power persona. But she contradicted her self throughout the story and her hoish tendencies were getting on my last nerve. Her love interest in the beginning seemed to be someone who wanted to protect and love her. But it only seemed that she wanted a friend with benefits. Though she expressed some sort of feelings for him, as well as like three other men. It’s steamy don’t get me wrong.

I just felt like the story started racing and never stoped, I was confused and wanted more detail in certain things. And there wasn’t enough for me to hold on to. Through the whole book, I was just trying to root for this guy she treated so poorly unless he was naked. Further into the book once, the fighting begins and she begins to try and save humanity, I start to warm up to her. She’s a bit selfish in a way, she made me feel like she was reluctantly trying to safe everyone but she wanted to run away the whole time. And she admits to this.

Once we got to the end one of her Love interests starts to win my heart over our original main love interest. I don’t want to give names because i don’t want to spoil anything for anyone. But he sacrifices himself for her and he tries everything in his power to help her and save her. He calls her out on her shit when she starts protesting which I loved! He was my favorite part of the whole book. Then the very very end, she breaks the ice between her and I relationship, I start liking her a little bit.

The story was rushed, I wanted a soft burn before the inferno. And I want Azar to be more likable but she really isn’t, she’s just a mess. I want to give this another try with the second book to just see if she becomes a better person and is she sets things straight with these love interests. I did enjoy the weres Aaron especially and we can not ever forget Oliver he was also one of my very favorite characters.

All in all, I give this a three star rating and I hope things get better with the second book. I don’t regret this read, I just expected something different. I want to see everyone else’s opinion on this, do you all share my feelings for Azar or do you like her personality?