A review by nemerith
Demon Magic and a Martini by Annette Marie


Sigh, reading this series gives me such satisfaction, they are just so gooooooood! If I have to pinpoint what makes them special... apart from being urban fantasy, filled to the brim with different kinds of magic, hot men and a kick-ass heroine who won't go down quietly? I guess I'd have to say the humour and the fact that is just suberbly written :)

We encountered a form of magic that we hadn't seen much (or at all) before: Demonica. People able to summon and control demons. And what an introduction it was, it sure as hell spiced up things around the Crow and Hammer (in a pretty violent and deadly way).
As always, all scenes and environments were clear and well detailed. We knew where we were, what we were looking at and whom we were running away from (running through a crowd, is NOT easy!).

Character development:
Things get rough, in a very bad way :( and Tori has some difficult decisions to make. She has grown a lot in the past instalments and being an official part of the Crow and Hammer fits her perfectly, but where does she go from there? Oh, and Sabrina's tarot cards really love Tori haha.
Aaron, Kai and Ezra... I wish I had best friends like that *sigh*. Loved how we got a lot more insight into one of them and their bond with each other.
The interaction between them all is just so very well written!
Even with all the magic, all the characters in the book feel real and believable, okay, sometimes a bit over the top, but we all know at least one of those in real life :D

Pacing and flow:
From start to finish you are glued to the book, don't even try to put it down. I read it in one go and it felt over in a heartbeat (without feeling rushed). Great balance between all the action and conversations. Strap yourselves in, it's quite a ride!

The book:
The book itself was well written with no (noticeable) errors. There was no sex described (if that is important to you).
The book is 314 pages long, spread over 24 chapters and told from Tori's point of view.

Final thoughts:
I kinda already said it at the start, the author's books are just amazing. I thoroughly enjoy every one of them (yes yes, devoured is maybe a more appropriate word, I know). I cannot recommend these books enough!
Oh and as the series is already complete, I know which book is next and yay, we met Robin!!! I just can't wait to start on that one!