A review by ahaynie
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls by Robert A. Heinlein


I absolutely hated this book by the end.

When I first started it, I was excited - the book was given to me as a gift and I'd just finished reading a book that I'd had to trudge through to finish. I was looking forward to what I hoped was an enjoyable book. This one grabs your attention very quickly and I was immediately intrigued and sucked into this futuristic world.

However, somewhere near the middle of the book, the plot suddenly changes - this wasn't some brilliant plot twist, it was more like the author said, "You know all the stuff that's been happening up until now? The fun exciting whodunit stuff? Yeah...it's all irrelevant. Seriously, it barely matters."

Suddenly, in this new plot, we're in a world that was surely made up by a prepubescent teenage boy fantasizing about a place where people are allowed to walk around naked and have sex with anyone they want and marry multiple people. Stuff goes down that is unexplained and makes no sense even though these events appear to be major plot points. Characters also have unexplained emotional reactions to seemingly normal events. I seriously began to wonder if the book would ever make sense again.

Then, literally in the last 5 pages (that is not a joke), Heinlein suddenly decides to wrap things up so he has one character (badly) attempt to explain the entire rest of the book and then it ends.

I have never been happier to see a book end without caring how. I just needed it to be over.