A review by bookbeaut
New Amsterdam by Elizabeth Bear


DNF, though for purposes of my challenge count I will mark a book as read if I've completed 75% of it.

This book had so much potential but ultimately, bored me to the point that I realized I didn't even care about how it ended. That's very hard to do with a story that had elements I'm all about - paranormal, steampunk, lady sorcerer detectives - but sadly, it fell so flat. All those things were done in such a mundane & uninteresting way - for all the talk of Abby Irene's wand, her magic use was restricted to putting things in bowls on a table & then coming to some conclusion from it. And never have I ever seen vampires done in such a boring way - they're not my fave generally speaking but they're usually at least interesting. The final death knell for me was the episodic way the story was told - it was jarring & didn't allow the book to carry any sort of narrative along.

Two stars because it wasn't HORRIBLE, it was just..boring. And that's almost worse.