A review by ninjabunneh
The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa


Ahem. If you haven't read the first book, or this one, you may want to skip my review. No spoilers, but I am sure things will be mentioned that may be spoilerishy.
First off, I liked this book. Not as much as the first, obviously. What the fuck happened? Well, I'll tell you.
The book opens with Allie traveling around looking for Kanin (nom nom nom).
She tracks him through their blood ties and ends up hunting down Jackal unintentionally. Now, here is where I have an issue. I despised Jackal in the last book. He was an evil bastard. Well,
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This Jackal is arrogant, obnoxious, snarky as fuck, and I just wanted to eat him alive. YES.
So, on we go, Allie and Jackal traveling together down the yellow brick road and then the shit hits the proverbial fan, for me.
It is the return of Zeke. Seriously?
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Zeke still hasn't grown a set of balls, sadly. What follows is like a snowball of fuckery. Suddenly the book became this:

Allie: I am a monster. I can't be with Zeke.
Zeke: I have to tell you something Allie. I lo....but, I can't. I'll tell you later.
Allie: I am a monster. I can't be with Zeke. *kissy face*
Zeke: Allie, I have to tell you something I should have told you before. But, I'll tell you later.
Jackal: *snort*
Allie: I am a monster. I can't be with Zeke.
Jackal: *rolls eyes*
Allie: Shut up Jackal! I'm so hungry. I want to bite Zeke. NO!! What am I saying??? I am a monster.
Zeke: Allie? I have to tell you something.
Jackal: *kills them both*

I was ready to call in Kathy to take care of things.
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I know what you're thinking. Why the 3 stars then? That's kind of generous since it seems you hated the book.
Well, no, I didn't hate the book at all. The plot was great, the writing I love. I just wish that the YA drama llama didn't make a spotlight appearance.
I will tell you this. If Jackal wasn't in the book, I probably would be rating it lower. He completely saved this book for me. He made me laugh, pissed me off, and totally sucked me in. Picturing him like Tom helped a bit too.
Cue in Tom gif.
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(that was totally gratuitous but it's my review so....)
Ahhhhh, and Kanin. I love that man. Luckily, he is in the book a lot more than the first. YUM. If I had to pick between him and Jackal at this point, it would be a tough decision. Pffff. Fuck it, what am I saying? I'd take them both.
The ending? That ending.....
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Saw that ending coming from a million miles away. Now, I am going to give my predictions for book 3. I have to. If you don't want some possible spoiler things or thoughts, now you can stop reading. Here we go.

SpoilerI predict a love triangle. YES. It is so subtle in this book. So minuscule, that I may be wrong. But, I don't think I am. Kanin has something for Allie. So, cue in love triangle.
I think that Zeke will be tainted and evil because of what happened to him. It will end up being Allie doing the typical "save him" emotional shit.

Kanin will still be hot.
Jackal will still be hot.
The end.