A review by by_bella
The Summer You Found Me by Elizabeth O'Roark


Was this worth it to read? For me, I’d say no. Unless you’ve read the second book, there’s probably some investment in it for you to read the third one but for moi—who hasn’t read the second—it just reads as if it’s rushed.

First off, the redeeming chapters for Kate is short nor was it actually there in the first place. Sure, she comes and helps Lucie from her ex but there is no apology of some sort. No making amends happening between her and her ex. Granted, Caleb isn’t a saint either. It reads as if the man was too busy for his first family but now that everything went to shit, he’ll do it different with his second one.

Can we also talk about the writing? I don’t know what’s wrong but it just feels off from TSWF. And the writing is especially in this book is off if you compare it to Waking Olivia.

Beck and Rachel are the only two people in this book that didn’t make me want to smash my head with a pan.