A review by alexandraloyd
We Are Not Like Them by Christine Pride, Jo Piazza


everyone should be required to read this book. i’d ask why this isn’t a required read in schools but, i know why. because it’s real. it’s painful. it’s brutal. and it’s not pro white. :) this is the story of 14 year old justin, a straight A student who loved his pets, his mom, and reading. oh and of course, he was black, but you already knew that. he was shot and killed by a police officer while walking home from school because the cop mistook his ipod for a gun. in a perfect world that would sound like insanity but we live in america where nobody is even a little shocked by that kind of news. a book has never made me cry before and i SOBBED. the co-authors are AMAZING writers and have your heart cracking into two on the first page. literally i was 2 sentences in and got chills. so if you need a book to hold close to your heart and remember forever, this is it.