A review by kaigogo
The Best of Simple: Stories, by Langston Hughes


The only thing I regret is not having read this sooner. It's undoubtedly one of the best collection of stories I've read in years. Every story and character triggered a memory. When he quoted the Bible, I was back in the pew listening to my grandfather preach or at home watching my mom write her nightly prayer. When he talked about Virginia, I was sitting in my uncle's house hearing about what it was like going to school in the south. Joyce and Zarita had me thinking of my great uncle who had different girls in NYC. An apple strudel took me to discussions I've either had in class or with my friends on the bus going home. It was witty and intellectual and cultured in the most homedown form. Jesse B. Semple reminded me of home. Of Harlem. Black voices of all kinds conveying that conversations on race and racism and living and surviving and thriving haven't really changed even though the times have.

I loved it.