A review by badmc
Mercy Thompson Series Collection by Patricia Briggs


I'm dropping this after I read the first 4 books.

It was a ride downhill, from the interesting beginning, intriguing world, and characters to boring, cliché relationships, inconsistent world-building, and "every other female than me is a villain or incompetent in some way" syndrome that I came to despise. I get it that Mercy grew up in a toxic environment for female gender, but I don't get the continuous bashing of every other female close (or seemingly close, in vampire's case) her own age. Also, I'm sick to death of the aggressive romantic partner that our heroine is sometimes scared of. Do you know how we call that in my line of work? Red flag.

Last but not least, I constantly compared this to [b:Kate Daniels |12177832|A Kate Daniels Magic Series Collection (Kate Daniels, #1-5)|Ilona Andrews|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1337659224s/12177832.jpg|17149554] and... Bye, Mercy. I just see the potential wasted here.