A review by alexisveloz
Still Waters by Jennifer Lauck


So. Still Waters. I believe I bought this copy from Powell's online...I can't recall at this point. I started it while we were still in the hotel, in October, and finished it just after Thanksgiving. It basically picked up where Blackbird left off. Jennifer is now an adult, living on her own, and the book follows her search for answers with respect to her brother's suicide. It traces her quest to heal herself and forgive her family for the hurt she suffered as a child. It details her relationship with the man who would eventually become her husband, and follows their relationship as Jennifer has children of her own.

It was good. There wasn't as much ugly crying as with the first one, but there was still some. Jennifer's struggle touched me. I was glad, though, that she managed to find some happiness in this book, as the last one was so full of pain.

Four out of five Whatevers. Recommended for anyone who has read the first book, for people who enjoy memoirs, or for anyone who likes a tearjerker. I'll be reading Lauck's other two books, also.