A review by uakabanza
Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors the Brave by Ryan Holiday


Courage - a word packed with so much meaning but seemingly little application to us in the modern world. Philosopher, author, and YouTuber Ryan Holiday writes compelling accounts of people displaying the most powerful forms of courage - whether it be Florence Nightingale defying the expectations of what women were capable of in her time, or Muhammad Ali risking his career in the name of his religion and beliefs, Holiday argues that we must continue to develop our own sense of courage - for all great developments have come from courageous men and women. He also describes what happens when we abandon courage, when we prioritise ourselves over those around us. Evil regimes come to power. Incivility becomes the norm . Toxic work cultures, like that Holiday experienced in American Apparel, become commonplace. In its extreme form, far right regimes like that led in Germany by Hitler can threaten to destroy world peace. Dictators like Bashar Al Assad are able to stay in power.

Courage may seem like a term that almost belongs in the relics of history, but if we fail to display it, we are little more than cowards. After all, if not us, then who else?