A review by intensej
The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton


This is my second read through of this book. I read all of Michael Crichton's books a few years ago, but I had a vague memory of the events of this book. I wanted to reread this book before starting the sequel, The Andromeda Evolution. When a satellite lands in Piedmont, Arizona, the entire town mysteriously dies. When the government sends in a team of scientists and doctors to investigate, they discover an elderly man and an infant are the town's only survivors.

Although this book was published in 1969, the science aspect of this book held up very well. The only things that felt really jarring were the way the book talked about computers. I also found it hard to take it seriously because the elderly survivor's name is Peter Jackson; I couldn't stop thinking about the director Peter Jackson. I liked the tension between the scientists. I thought it was interesting that the book is telling the story of the five days leading up to the Andromeda Strain crisis. I loved the interjections that pointed out where the scientists went wrong with their conclusions.