A review by captwinghead
The Once and Future Queen by Adam P. Knave, Dj Kirkbride


This is a very diverse book featuring a lead woman of color, asexual characters and two wlw. It's an interesting retelling of the tale of King Arthur. It is my understanding that this book was pulled before it really got the chance to take off and that's a shame. Its a very unique style and I think it's very brave.

The art style is not one I'm used to but it's very charming. I appreciate that it reminds me of a story book. The plot is pretty easy to follow, although I felt as though it moved a little too fast, particularly with how quickly everyone adjusted to Gwen being a part of their lives. This whole thing reads like a crazy dream and that's probably what appealed to me the most about it. It was fun, it was adorable and it explicitly talked about asexuality and what that means. So, I give it props for that, although it probably won't be on my top 10 at the end of the year.

3 stars.