A review by helpfulsnowman
Thor: God of Thunder, Volume 1: The God Butcher by Jason Aaron


Wait, wait, wait. This is ALSO a time travel thing! Sort of! What the fuck, Marvel!? I thought we talked about time travel.

I guess it's not strictly time travel. It's like a team-up of Thor from three different times. Maybe it's time travel? I don't know. Hard to say.

I like the idea of Thor playing World's Not Greatest Detective and actually having to visit Space Library, but it wasn't super exciting to watch him fly around and discover corpses. And the time jumps came at odd intervals, to me, and broke up the story in a way I didn't love.

I just...no more time travel, guys. I mean it. I fucking mean it. I don't care if you go back to any of the other wells. Erase reality, clone a motherfucker, Spider-Car. I'd take Spider-Car before another time travel narrative.