A review by tjmitrovic
The Eternal Kiss: 13 Vampire Tales of Blood and Desire by Trisha Telep


First of all, this review contains one teensy weensy spoiler.

It's safe to say I won't be reading anymore anthologies anytime soon.

I'd like to say that I enjoyed it, but the truth screams otherwise. I was somewhat bored throughout most stories, and I just wanted it to be over. And I wasn't exactly thrilled about the stories from authors I'd already read from.

I was fairly dissapointed in Melissa De La Cruz's short story "Shelter Island". I thought it was boring and I didn't find the fact that she used one of her characters from another book in this one very appealing.

The stories I did enjoy however were:

The Coldest Girl In Cold Town by Holly Black - I really enjoyd it, it was very different from other vampire books and I found it exciting. I would like to see this as a book.

Undead Is Very Hot Right Now by Sarah Rees Brennan - Yes, this may not have been the most well written out of all thirteen stories, but I really enjoyed it mainly because it was something I could laugh too, and because I found the character charming and appealing.

Kat By Kelly Armstrong - Was okay, nothing special really.

The Thirteenth Step By Libba Bray - Great! I really enjoyed reading this (that one scene was very unexcpected though). I liked how *SPOILER* the main character didn't try to be all morally correct and not kill a human. She did, and I liked that. Most books rant about how the vampire hates doing it morally. This really entertained me.

All Hallows By Rachel caine - I liked it, it was okay. Again, nothing special.

Other Boys By Cassandra Clare - Mmm... I honestly loved the end twist. I really truly did. No Lies.

Ambition By Lili St. Crow - Kinda scared me at times - don't know whether I enjoyed it or not.

The rest that I din't comment about were just, boring. I finished this book thrity minutes ago and I've forgotten what those were about.

My final conclusion is that you're probably better off reading something else, but if you must, well than you must.