A review by shutupnread
Bang by Lisa McMann


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I don’t see too many books from Lisa but when I do find one by her, it’s always an amazing read. This is the only second trilogy that I have read from her and I loved every minute of it. They’re also short but to the point which I definitely appreciate.

The only downside for me was that the books felt rushed because it’s incredibly short at just over 200 pages. I do wish that the author fleshed out the characters a little more, prolonged the plot just a bit more, etc. However, at the same time, I also think that if the author made it longer, it wouldn’t have felt as impactful as it did because it was short and to the point.

My favorite part in the series is definitely the characters. I fell in love with Jules and Sawyer as well as Jules’ siblings. I loved the dynamic between her and her siblings because it was obvious how close they all were and the lengths that they went through for one another. Those were definitely sibling goals and I loved that interaction so much. Not only that but the fact that both her siblings believed Jules when she first shared the fact that she was seeing visions just spoke volumes to me. They didn’t even once deny what she was saying and refute it but instead, listened and went with it.

The plot was also very intriguing and I loved the fact that the vision situation was passed along because it reminded me a little of “pay it forward” which is when you pass on a good deed and the person who you did that for continued it to someone else. I’m not going to say what happens when you don’t because spoilers but I loved that little tidbit as well.

Overall, this was a very short but awesome trilogy. I definitely recommend it!