A review by thebookberrie
Awakened by Kristin Cast, P.C. Cast


Yup okay, that's it. I am done with this series once and for all. I wonder why I even let myself get this far into it but I thought I had invested too much into it to let myself give up but nope, there is only so much of these books that I can take. I did like the first book, I'm really sure I did. As each book goes on though, I cannot for the life of me remember exactly why I even liked it.

So this is House of Night book number eight, need I say how much overkill that even is? Apparently there is to be twelve before the so called epic finale happens. How exciting.

In this installment of House of Night, Neferet the super evil has returned to the Tulsa House of Night as high priestess. Now she has Kalona under her command and wants to start a war with the humans or something, honestly I still don't know as she is so generic bad movie villain and blah blah darkness, super evil, super beautiful. I think I stopped caring about her in book three.

Not like any of our protagonists are any better though. Do I even need to know how stupid, immature, and skanky I find our main character, Zoey? Yeah I think I'll skip that. But really, this is book number eight in this series. I do not forgive the writers for zero character development since the start.

Speaking of Zoey, I cannot take anymore, "heehees", "bullpoopie", "heart me some". Even the cute little sweetie or honeys that multiple characters said to each other. Does it matter who said what to each other? No, because eventually they all started to sound the same to me.

And also, oh my god stereotypes. Stop it! We have Kramisha, she apparently is a prophetess poet but apparently talks and sounds extremely illiterate. Oh it's because she is black right? Okay cool.

Then there is Stevie Rae and how her accent was portrayed and oh god it was painful. Not sure if as painful as how Jack and Damien have always come across, dripping with such stereotyped gayness that I am curious if the writer's have ever actually met a gay man.

Only Aphrodite stood out and I do still love her but even she isn't good enough to save how terrible and cardboard the rest of these characters are.

On to the plot, did anything interesting actually happen this time around? Eh, not really. A couple of people died, Rephaim got a human body, someone was brought back from the dead. Yay for them I guess. Neferet walked around naked a lot and lots of weird vampire PG-13 sex happened. Same old song for these books, along with the fun typos and grammar fails that I enjoyed laughing at. Please get a better editor as that isn't any different in these books either.

The only thing good about these books are that they are short, but they can't even stand by themselves. I bet if you cut out all the pointless pop culture references and other useless scenes, this whole series could be one big crappy waste of time. I do not even care how the ending goes, really I can't be bothered with it. I wasted enough time and money on these books and I hate each book more than it's predecessor. It's safe to say that I do not heart me some House of Night, if I ever did.