A review by kem0514
All the Little Lies by S.J. Sylvis


Wow, I don’t have the words for this book. I don’t always enjoy a bully romance but this one knocked it out of the park. It has the bully aspect but the MMC redeemed himself to make the love story believable.

Hayley and Christian were best friends until one fateful night 5 years ago that changed things dramatically for both of them. When Hayley returns to their school, she thinks Christian will be happy to see her but instead she sees hatred in his eyes. Christian blames Hayley for how things happened and tries to get her kicked out of school. But Hayley is a strong woman despite everything she has gone through. She needs to do well at this school if she hopes to get scholarships for college and she won’t let Christian stand in her way.

I loved how much secondary story there was beyond the will they or won’t they of Christian and Hayley. There was so much suspense and thrill that made this book hard to put down, I just needed to know what was going to happen. Christian changed a lot throughout this book. His anger softened and his love for Hayley grew. He definitely had a lot to make up for considering how he treated her at first but in the end he did everything he could to protect her and won her over.

I am excited to start the next book to find out more about the other characters.