A review by thebookberrie
Heretics Anonymous by Katie Henry


This was fine, I don't know why anyone has called it funny though, it was so much teenage angst and I didn't even chuckle once.

Heretics Anonymous is a boy named Michael who is an atheist and starting at a strict Catholic school. The first thing Michael wants is a friend so when he sees a girl challenge their teacher in class, he thinks he found the perfect friend, and another nonbeliever. Only Lucy is as far from a nonbeliever as it goes- she wants to be a priest. Lucy ends up inviting Michael to a club with a bunch of other St. Clare’s outcasts, a club they call Heretics Anonymous. After an incident, Michael convinces them to become rebels instead of a secret society until he takes it too far and puts them at risk of getting in trouble.

While I didn't hate this book, I'm a bit disappointed because I feel like it had so much potential but it never got there. This is just my personal taste but I don't really like male MCs and the annoying ass guy in this is book really just reminded me of that. Michael is the kind of guy who is the type to go online and rage about any kind of religion, telling people they are stupid and wrong for believing in anything when he doesn't and just all around the toxic atheist culture no one likes. I would consider myself an atheist as well but I'm also a big fan of leaving people alone and not starting arguments because seriously bro? You aren't going to change someone's mind and you just look like an asshole.

Add on to that, I really don't need to hear some annoying dude explain feminism and act outraged by the unfairness at their school, JUST because it was his girlfriend that was getting targeted for a dress code violation. Also ugh. Michael literally annoyed me so much because he spends the first half talking about how hot Lucy is and then when they are together, he spends the rest of the time talking about how horny he is and how she "won't give that part to him" and how he highkey wants to pressure her into sex but oh, he's such a nice guy so he won't!!

Michael is such a disrespectful shit to literally everyone, especially his father and the rest of his family. I know we're supposed to be upset for him with his daddy issues and when his father takes away his electronics but yeah no that whiny ass kid deserved it.

This book has a whole group of friends but unfortunately they were just a couple of quirky things (looking at you kid who wouldn't shut up about wanting to wear a cape) and not much else. Don't ask me what their names are because there was like 4 of them and they were all forgettable.

But this book did go super fast and I was entertained enough by all the angst (while also rolling my eyes and being annoyed because it was so whiny). I think if this book had had a female MC I would have liked it so much but with this boy at the wheel? Bye.