A review by lillyreads_08
In Darkness and Dank by K.L. Hiers


Going in, I knew this story was not going to be dark or scary, thanks to the reviews of my mutuals. That helped me approach the story with a different frame of mind and no expectations of horror or dark romance.

I absolutely adored it. I caught myself smiling at many points in the story as Shu and Kitty's romance was so so sweet. I loved Kittisak's openness towards Shu in understanding him and his ways. He never looked at him as a monster and really with no fear.

Regarding the initial language barrier, I don't know why I found it so cute and loved how their communication became stronger as they spent more time together. Shu is the sweetest, most caring sea monster (Rife). It really gave Shape of Water vibes. They weren't only sweet together, but the sex was so hot and tender. Goodness, I love how creative K.L. Hiers was with that part of Shu's anatomy.

It was interesting to watch Kittisak build a life with Shu. I loved that they didn't have to be apart, and Kittisak was still able to keep his ties to his family.

Overall, this was a beautifully tender and sexy monster love story with amazing world-building as well. It is not dark/horror at all; if you do not go in with that expectation, you will enjoy.