A review by chllybrd
The Candidates by Inara Scott


review from http://urbanfantasyinvestigations.blogspot.com/

I read some mixed reviews but I liked the synopses and loved the cover so thought I would give it a shot. Dancia is someone who has tried to stay under the radar through out her school years and wants to continue blending in. One day some people from Delcroix Academy show up and recruit her, she doesn't understand what they could possibly want with her she isn't rich like all the other kids and she isn't extraordinary in anything she does and she doesn't thing they have any clue about her powers. She decided to give it a shot and starts making friends right away and really starts to come out of her shell but her new friend Jack brings up good points about weirdness going on in the school and she just cant let it go the more she sees and hears. Dancia's character was very enjoyable to watch grow through out the book. The love triangle wasn't over the top. The secret wasn't what I expected and I liked how it played out. Inara Scott really created a neat world inside of Delcoix academy with the special powers people have and the way Dancia goes about finding herself and what she can do. Everything was really well rounded and blended together well. It was a quick read that kept me entertained.