A review by ashleystclair
The Wal-Mart Effect: How the World's Most Powerful Company Really Works--And Howit's Transforming the American Economy by Charles Fishman


This book was depressing, it only solidifies my hatred for Walmart as an evil corporation. The only "good" things they had to say about Walmart were how they made so many things so much cheaper for shoppers - but at what cost? It seems like they really ruined a lot of peoples lives and drove a lot of great companies to their demise. I'll never shop at a Walmart if I don't have to. Ever. Overall didn't care much for the style of writing in this book. It was a bit lengthy and threw weird positive swings on things I didn't feel were actually positive. This might be a result of it being a rather old book so come of the facts were a bit dated. But I'm glad I read it.