A review by veryreaderie
Voice of the Lost: Medair Part 2 by Andrea K. Host


How am I meant to go on with my life after finishing this series? No, seriously—how?

Full disclosure: this book is WEIRD. If you hated the plot twist at the end of the last book (I wasn't a huge fan but my love for everything else outstripped it) you will feel some annoyance with the random magical happenstance in this book. But honestly, all I can think is "who cares?" Every turn in the road led to cool situations and weird moral quandaries and I was in it for the long haul. Plus, it's been a long time since a romance has hit me like this one did—butterflies and squirming and everything. My reading pace slowed to a crawl many times as I tried to savour each interaction.

Anyway, if you're up for a weird ride, I recommend this duet (duology?). I'll be devouring more of Höst's books shortly—though I'll try to savour them too, and space them out in my fictional diet.

[add] In my haste to shout about this book I forgot to mention how much I love the theme of "getting what you want but not how you wanted it"—there's a lot of bittersweet feelings in here and I'm drowning in them. Pleasantly.