A review by lisaluvsliterature
A Kiss Like This by Sara Ney


4.5 stars. This book actually made me think that maybe I should give shy guys a little more of a chance. But the awkwardness that the two faced in this book is so much what I dread and have dealt with in my own life as a shy person on a date with a shy guy. Unfortunately the shy guys I went out with were not hot hockey players like Caleb is. So many times as I read this though, I could feel the awkwardness coming off the page, and it felt like a chapter of my own life in that way. For me that made it so perfect and not necessarily easy to read, but easy in that I was extremely familiar in the way those things go. Now, I knew that the whole ring thing was going to come back and bite Caleb in the end. But I also feel that Abby definitely overreacted about that whole situation. As you may know from my other reviews though, that is something that I realize is often a standard part of a romance novel, to add that last bit of drama needed. So no matter how frustrating it is for me, I can get over it when I love the rest of the story so much, and realize it is for that very purpose.

Something I love about series like these is getting those supporting characters into main character roles in future books, and then it makes me want to go back and read the earlier books, knowing what I know now about them. Of course their bits and pieces from the earlier stories help to make their own books more humorous at time as you remember what they'd done in the past.

I have to admit that when I first discovered this author with the 3rd book in her How to Date a Douchebag series, I just assumed that there would be a ton of her past stories to go back and read once I fell in love with her writing. There wasn't a ton out there, so having these suggested and maybe re-released or re-publicized was great for me, as I wait for more books to come! Sara Ney is definitely an auto-buy/read author for me! I do have to say though, unlike the first two books in the series, there isn't an "original" cover for me to share with you. Just the one you see above.