A review by book_whispers
Sirensong by Jenna Black


The love square comes to an end!! Nothing brings me more pleasure when a painful love triangle comes to end, or so I thought. It brings me greater pleasure when a terrible love square ends!! It is a great thing for this series since I love it so much.

What’s not so great is that it’s not Ethan who gets the can, no I think Dana actually loves him more. It’s my dear Keane, but in this case it’s OK. As a team Keane fan, I think I can speak for us all when I say he went to a better love interest. In defense of Ethan, he’s actually grownup a lot. The ordeal of being under the Erklings thumb has matured him, that doesn’t mean he loses those annoying-boy-wine moments. It’s safe to say he still gets on my nerves, but I can deal with him now. The role of the Erkling really gets confusing in Sirensong. His actions are still pretty self serving, but he does things that make you wonder about him. Maybe deep down—past his scheming and manipulative core—he’s a decent guy. Well . . . enough that I can say I don’t feel too guilty for swooning over him. After all he killed that nasty bargain about Dana’s virginity dilemma. Thank you!!

Another great thing is that Dana’s magical powers are used more and we get to see them develop. Her ability to make the Faye mortal is chilling, and she’s started to add a little more “physical” power behind it. The magic of the fairy realm also gets explored, though it stays firmly within the Seelie Court. It’s pretty much the standard “vision” of the fiarie realm. You know lots of forests, house made to blend in, the vegetation is commanded to move and do what they want, and the Seelie court is a towering fortress. Still it’s lots of fun, I for one never get tired of it.

While I don’t think Sirensong is as good as the second book—Shadawspell—it’s definitely another great entry to the series. However, author Jenna Black states Sirensong is the last entry. It’s truly sad. Black’s series has to be one of the most unique takes on fairies in the Urban Fantasy genre. Painful doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel about this series dying before it even gets a decent chance. Worse series get dragged out, and yet the publishers don’t want to endorse this one. Here’s to crossing my fingers that the Faeriewalker books will rise from the ashes and get a second chance. After all this book finished up enough not to be a painful end, but there’s clearly more places it NEEDS to go.

Sexual Content: Kana thinks a lot about sex, a lot. Dana has a few make out scenes and she walks in on someone(s) clearly just finishing up with a bedroom scene. There is elitist/family abuse in this book, at times it made me grimace.

Rating: 3/5 Adored it, just a few minor details held it back.

Original review at Book Whispers.