A review by trid_for_kicks
Invisibility by Andrea Cremer


I loved the concept, was sucked into the story from the very beginning. The two different voices were enchanting, and seeing how they met, how their situations danced around each other was promising. The first half of the book, I give it a solid 4 stars, maybe even 5. But then, it loses speed. The story seems to take an abrupt turn in style or intent or something, that made it drudgery to make it through to the end. It becomes cliche and boring, even as it tries to be exciting.
SpoilerThe authors decided to make the main female character a "savior" type, being "naturally gifted" and quickly mastering a power after just learning about it. I've read far too many stories about "the One", and I was disappointed to see this one fall squarely into the same script as so many others.
I kept hoping it would get better, that the spark from the beginning would return, but it just continued to dwindle. Until, finally, the book ends, leaving the reader (okay, me) unsatisfied.
SpoilerI appreciate that the authors didn't want to wrap everything up neatly, as is often expected. That they wanted to leave something to the imagination. But after all that, all the work Elizabeth went into removing Stephen's curse, we're supposed to believe that she's okay "letting it go"? That she would draw a few pictures about it, and then be ready to move on with her life? Based on where the story was going, I assumed that she would have "innoculated" herself against the grandfather's curse, enough to remove the rest of it from her boyfriend. I still assume that's what happened after the book ends. But the way this story was told, one gets the assumption that it would get an actual ending, especially since it became so cliche halfway through.